

young girl with phoneCareer guidance, job coaching and transition support for vulnerable young people with additional needs or at risk of NEET.

Our Support4Progression programme is a flexible and bespoke programme focusing on career guidance, work preparation and personal development of students with additional support needs to promote successful transitions into post-16 education, employment or training. The programme offers:

  • Specialist intensive support for students with complex needs including those at risk of exclusion, SEND, home tutored, looked after children
  • Partnership working with school SEND and Inclusion/Alternative Programme teams including home visits where necessary
  • Packages of sustained support dependent on need that continues over GCSE results period to ensure a positive destination is achieved
  • Guidance to help students make choices to inform the education, health and care (EHC) plan
  • Attendance at EHC plan reviews and support to SEND teams
  • Ongoing support for young person, parents and carers during points of transition
  • Consultancy to enable each school to address Gatsby Benchmark 3 (Addressing the needs of each pupil), led by our SEND and Inclusion Lead Practitioner.

“A programme that really works.”

During 2018-19 we put 2,978 students at risk of NEET (Years 10 -13) through our Support4Progression. Our results showed that:

  • 95% have a better understanding of their skills, abilities and interests.
  • 93% have a better understanding of the careers that might appeal to them
  • 98% now know more about options (6th Form, college, apprenticeships, university, voluntary work)
  • 97% are now clearer about their next steps and can start to put things into action
  • 90% feel more motivated to work hard at school to achieve their goals.
  • 97% went into a positive destination, for example further education, employment or training, or a supported internship

What students said:

“I found this a nice space to talk to someone impartially about what I want to do. I say this because at home or with friends there’s an obvious bias or threat of me being judged but having these chats has broadened my view and actually made me feel more excited for what’s coming up in the next stage of my life rather than anxious and afraid. Really very helpful.”

“[the careers adviser] was excellent and was really helpful preparing me for my Royal Mail interview. She taught me about STAT and SWOT technique that definitely helped me as I got the Royal Mail job.”

“Before the interview I couldn’t see a future and now I feel really positive about moving on.”

What schools say:

“Ideas4Careers’ enthusiasm, care, persistence and professionalism have all contributed to our students receiving first class effective careers and transition support.” Meden School

“The school is ensuring good quality independent advice and guidance to students to support their transitions, helping the school to fulfil its statutory obligations and reducing the number of students at risk of becoming NEET.” Kimberley 6th Form

    To find out more about our Support4Progression programme or to request a 30 minutes free consultation to discuss your requirements please complete the form below or call us on 07717 360114.