Support for Careers Leadership
Careers Leaders “should have influence across the school and buy-in from Governors and Senior Leadership Teams… from September 2018, every school should appoint a named person to this role” Department for Education, Statutory Guidance for governing bodies, school leaders and school staff (January 2018)
As Careers Leader, you are responsible for the design of the career guidance development plan, and the implementation and quality assurance of the careers programme at your school or college.
We can help you to develop an effective Careers Leadership provision at your school or college by providing a range of services tailored specifically to your needs, including Careers Leader support, consultancy, mentoring and training. Our team of specialist educational careers practitioners provide bespoke support to deliver in this vital role.
We help Careers Leaders to develop a stable careers plan that meets the Gatsby Benchmarks, ready for publishing on the school or college website. We can facilitate employer and young ambassador encounters or technical education and apprenticeship engagement for your students, attending to the new ‘Baker Clause’. We can assist you in advising Senior Leadership Teams and Governing Bodies on careers policy, strategy, compliance with legal requirements for independent career guidance, commissioning resources for careers activities or support to organise careers and enterprise events. Should you require, we will support you in reviewing, evaluating and preparing feedback reports for Senior Leadership and Ofsted, and/or guide and assess you throughout the process of gaining a Quality in Careers Standard award for your school or college.
Here are ways in which we support Careers Leaders to achieve the Gatsby Benchmarks:
- Developing the programme of activities for careers guidance (Gatsby Benchmark 1 – A stable careers programme)
- Curriculum planning (Gatsby Benchmark 4 – Linking curriculum to careers)
- Labour market information (LMI) provision (Gatsby Benchmark 2 – Learning from career and labour market information)
- Facilitating encounters with employers and apprenticeship training providers (Gatsby benchmark 5 – Encounters with employers and employees)
- Providing career guidance services (Gatsby Benchmark 8 – Personal Guidance, *Gatsby Benchmark 3 – Addressing the needs of each pupil)
- Careers Leader mentoring and training
- CPD and Inset training sessions for all school staff
- Bespoke consultancy to Senior Leadership Teams and Governing Bodies
- Regular ‘Opportunities bulletin’ containing opportunities for students as well as local news, events and new resources for employment, careers education and training.
- Annual Careers Guidance and Employability Conference providing essential networking opportunities, to share best practice and gain expertise through industry experts.
For more information about how we can help with the Careers Leader role in your school, please contact us to discuss your specific requirements.