Careers Guidance

“All young people in secondary school get a programme of advice and guidance that is stable, structured and delivered by individuals with the right skills and experience…”
Department for Education, Statutory Guidance for governing bodies, school leaders and school staff (January 2018)

Careers Guidance for Students

We understand schools and their needs

With a strong focus on improving social mobility and raising aspirations of young people, we deliver high quality, independent and impartial career guidance for school and college students through a team of experienced educational careers practitioners.

What does effective career decision making for young people look like?

  • Independent and impartial face-to-face careers meetings, tailored to individual needs.
  • Creating individualised career development/action plans for students.
  • Ensuring young people from all backgrounds, gender and diversity groups, including special education needs and disabilities consider the widest possible range of careers.
  • Increasing awareness of career options open to students through high quality labour market information, including higher education, studying abroad and non-university pathways.
  • Assisting students to identify and apply for apprenticeships and traineeships.
  • Improving young people’s employability by developing the essential transition skills students need to succeed.
  • Providing practical support to develop effective CVs, applications and interview skills.
  • Delivering psychometric testing followed by feedback and guidance.
  • Providing targeted support for students with special education needs and disabilities.

Targeted Support

We also offer targeted guidance for students with additional support needs to promote successful transitions into post-16 education, employment or training. To find out more about our Support4Progression programme and it’s impact on students please visit our Support4Progression page.


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