Employer Interactions

As a successful provider of high quality career guidance and employability skills training to schools and colleges, we work with thousands of students every year delivering interactive workshops to inspire young people to think positively about their futures and help them make informed choices about the world of work.

Our events are delivered by a team of experienced staff who can successfully engage with students, enabling them to gain an insight into the fantastic work opportunities available. By working with key business partners in the community we can ensure that students have a greater understanding of the wide range of jobs available and entry routes into them, allowing them to develop the skills needed by potential employers.

Employer interactions

Employer interactions

Here are some examples of the kind of interactive activities we can deliver:

  • ‘What’s My Line?’ – speed networking with business ambassadors and real apprentices
  • ‘The Apprentice’ Project. Students work in teams to design a product using given materials, complete the design on time and then pitch their design to an employer (‘Lord Sugar’). Prizes for the most effective team and those showing the most creativity. One business ambassador to each group of six students.
  • ‘Know Your Potential Employer’ and ‘How to Get on at Work’. These activities look at the generic employability skills needed by most employers and is focused on work values, responsibilities and attitudes to work to enable learners to secure and sustain meaningful employment. Supported by business ambassadors and those involved in HR and recruitment.

Activities can be run as full/half day events or as individual sessions.

Incredibly creative way of engaging the students; developed their understanding of transferable skills. Big thanks to employers and Ideas4Careers. Super!
All Saints Catholic Academy

We are always looking for volunteer business ambassadors to help us with our employability activities. If you, or someone you know might be interested, you can find out more on our business ambassador pages.