As Careers Leader, you are responsible for the design of the career guidance development plan, and the implementation and quality assurance of the careers programme at your school or college.
We offer a range of support for Careers Leaders to help Careers Leaders meet the Gatsby Benchmarks:
If you’re looking for support with achieving specific Gatsby Benchmarks, our expertise includes:
- Gatsby Benchmark 1 – A stable careers programme
Help developing a programme of activities for careers guidance - Gatsby Benchmark 2 – Learning from career and labour market information
Careers and labour market information (LMI) provision - Gatsby Benchmark 3 – Addressing the needs of each pupil
Challenging stereotypical thinking and raising aspirations - Gatsby Benchmark 4 – Linking curriculum to careers
Support with curriculum planning - Gatsby benchmark 5 – Encounters with employers and employees
Facilitating encounters with employers and apprenticeship training providers - Gatsby Benchmark 8 – Personal Guidance
Providing career guidance services
In addition to support with the Benchmarks we offer:
- Staff development and INSET training
- Consultancy for The Quality in Careers Standard award
- Support around careers information and the labour market
- Consultancy and CPD in a range of areas