Careerometer tool a good introduction to LMI for students

LMI tool for exploring jobs and careersIf you’re looking for ways to talk about LMI (labour market information) with students as part of fulfilling Gatsby Benchmark 2, there are plenty of resources to choose from, all offering something slightly different. As a school, you may buy into a programme or resource which offers LMI alongside a wide range of job descriptions or you might choose to signpost your students to a free-to-access website which allows them to browse career ideas alongside LMI. Anything interactive is likely to be a good ‘hook’ to get them started.

We’re making a free LMI tool available for you and your students to access via our website. The Careerometer from LMI for All enables users to compare LMI such as salary, hours worked and predicted future opportunities across three different jobs; you can also click on ‘more info’ for day-to-day tasks. These job ‘cards’ can easily be cleared to start the process again and offer a fun way to explore and research careers and labour market information.

This interactive ‘widget’, as it’s sometimes referred to, can be embedded for free into any school or college website but we know that sometimes existing set-ups means this isn’t always an easy task! So please feel free to link to this helpful tool from your school or college virtual careers library or website.